Being a writer is hard work. In fact, it’s so hard that we often start projects but don’t finish them. We get frustrated. We procrastinate.
“Me, procrastinate?” you cry out. Well, let’s see! Take this fun quiz to see if you’ve become skilled in the art of procrastination.
1. You’ve got a magazine article due in a couple of days. Do you:
a.) Go to the mall, hoping for inspiration
b.) Bribe your critique partner to help you write it
c.) Contact the editor to ask for more time
d.) Type until your hands ache.
2. You’ve got to be at your critique group in less than an hour. Are you:
a.) Snoring loudly
b.) Searching for clean socks
c.) Nearly dressed and ready
d.) In the car, keys in the ignition, printed chapter in hand
3. Your writing group is coming over in thirty minutes for your annual Christmas brunch and you’re supposed to have everything prepared. Do you:
a.) Forget
b.) Get caught up in your latest WIP (work in progress) and put it off
c.) Start the dishes, then get distracted by an idea for a story
d.) Finish the dishes and wipe down the kitchen counters, all-the-while thinking about your latest book project.
4. You’ve promised your agent that you will have a proposal on his desk in two days. Do you:
a.) Check out the latest web site your friends have recommended
b.) Gripe about the big job you’re going to have to do, but not actually start it
c.) Make a list of all of the things you’ll need to do to write the proposal
d.) Start right away and get it turned in on time.
5. You’re supposed to be raising money to go to a writer’s conference. The deposit of $200 is due tomorrow. Do you:
a.) Get depressed and spend hours thinking about how you’re not going to get to go
b.) Bust open you toddler’s piggy bank
c.) Pray that God will work a miracle
d.) Count your money one last time to make sure you’ve got enough
6. You’re supposed to be taking an online writing course and need to turn in your lesson by the end of the week. Do you:
a.) Hope you can remember the web address between now and then
b.) Start the course but get distracted
c.) Get so caught up in the lessons that you’re inspired to write a book
d.) Finish on or ahead of time
7. You’ve been home from work for a couple of hours and had your dinner. You’ve got a couple of hours of writing to do. Do you:
a.) Watch reruns
b.) Talk to your friend on the phone (or Internet) about what you’re supposed to be
c.) Look through old files on your computer and get excited when you stumble across
an old book proposal you don’t remember writing
d.) Grab your laptop and get to work
8. You’ve got a book due tomorrow. Did you spend last night...
a.) Plotting your story (and drinking far too much coffee)
b.) Editing the book, picking through it with a fine tooth comb
c.) Reading through the book one last time with a smile on your face
d.) Sleeping like a baby because you turned the book in early
9. You’ve made yourself a promise that you’re going to start reading genres that you don’t normally read (to expand your thinking as a writer). Do you:
a.) Doze off while you’re reading
b.) Start a vampire novel, but end up setting it aside
c.) Try to figure out why everyone is so enthused about Amish books
d.) Dig in and read a really cool book, unlike anything you’ve read before
10. You finally have a free day to set writing goals for the upcoming year. Do you:
a.) Go to a movie, arguing that it will help you think more clearly
b.) Open a blank spreadsheet and stare at it, because you’re complete clueless where
your career might take you over the next year
c.) Jot down a few things, then decide you’d rather go to culinary school than write
d.) Focus on your plans, not just for this coming year, but several years beyond that
Now add up your score! a’s: 4 points each
b’s: 3 points each
c’s: 2 points each
d’s: 1 point each
What did you score? ______
- If you scored 31 - 40 points, you are a serious procrastinator! It’s time to take a second look at all of those things you said you were going to do, but haven’t! The problem with procrastinators is, they often don’t care whether the work gets done or not. Time for some serious self-examination and focus!
- If you scored from 26 - 30 points, you’re on the verge of being a procrastinator. You haven’t quite made up your mind yet. Your world is filled with stuff to do, but you’re not crazy about the idea of doing it all yourself. Some things you care a lot about, and others not at all. If you could find a way out, you would.
- If you scored from 16 - 25, you’re probably a little frustrated. You have a lot that needs to be done, and you really want to get it done, but don’t seem to be able to keep up with all of it. You’re not afraid of hard work, but need a good, solid plan and schedule to make it all happen.
- If your score was 15 or under, you’re in really good shape! Keep up the great work!
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