When it comes to the financial, I could probably divide most of the women I know into two categories. About half are financially secure, thanks to a great paying job or a husband with an awesome career. The other half are struggling to ends meet.
Among those who are struggling, some are stay-at-home moms. Others are single moms, working like crazy to pay the bills. Some are caregivers for aging parents, wondering if they’ll ever catch a break. And some are in their golden years, wondering if they’ll ever be able to afford to retire.
Most girls would—as the old song alludes to—rather be having fun. However, with their current job schedules, laundry, diaper changes, and countless hours spent driving to soccer practice, ballet class, PTA meetings and the like, they simply don’t have the time.
Nor do most have the energy to think about taking on more work, particularly outside the home. That’s why freelancing is perfect for women, particularly those in need of earning extra money on the side.
So, what’s a weary woman to do? How does she get started writing for pay? It’s never too late to start learning, even if you’ve already got a college degree. Freelancing is a competitive game and you’ve got to have an edge.
Study, then begin to write what you know. For most women, that will include relationship issues, parenting, empty nest, job-related issues, entrepreneurial spirit, care-giving, marital issues, home improvement and the like.
Your topics should be an honest reflection of who you are. There’s no “fake it until you make it” in writing. If you’re not genuine, readers will pick up on it. (And let’s face it…women are very discerning. They will know if you’re pandering to them.)
Next, write a one thousand word article. Be sure to include a great hook, something that will reel in other women. You want them to relate to you.
Have a good friend—someone you trust—read over the piece to make sure it hits the mark. Ask her these questions: “Does the article leave you feeling better about life?” “Did you grasp the takeaway (nugget of truth) at the end?” “Is my writing style engaging?” If she offers suggestions, take them.
When you’re sure the article is strong enough, visit www.writersmarket.com online and research the various magazine publishers. Query the editor, letting him know about your piece (and your platform, if applicable). If it’s a good fit, he will ask to see it.
From there, you never know what will happen! The next article might get picked up for a larger price, and the next might make a good foundation for a book. A year from now, you could be bringing in more money than you ever imagined.
Yep. Girls just wanna have funds. And they want to have fun bringing them in! So, what’s stopping you? Get busy writing, ladies!
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