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In the Beginning, God Created

How does God about creativity? 

To discover the answer to this question, we must ask another… “Do we serve a creative God?”   The answer is an undeniable “Yes!” God’s creativity is magnificent! 

So, how creative is He?  For a closer look, carefully examine the book of Genesis.  It will knock your socks off!

Imagine this…

The scene begins with a blackout.  

The stage sits in complete and utter darkness, just waiting, anticipating.  The audience hears nothing – not the sound of an orchestra warming up or the stir of actors nervously muttering lines backstage.  Completely nothingness.

Somewhere in the vastness of the formless, desolate earth, an ocean rages. This is before the days of man. Before the days of light and dark. Before crickets would sing their evening song or puppies lap at bowls of water or boys with sticky fingers try to steal cookies from the cookie jar.

Before Magnolia trees would ever blossom and grow, giving of the scent of magic, before babies could nurse at their mothers’ breasts, before ribbons of sunlight would dare to shimmer through the blinds in the front window. 

Before all of that, and even before you were a twinkle in your mother’s eyes, there was a formless, desolate place that would one day teem with life. And there, in the gap between “In the beginning” and all that would come after, the Holy Spirit moved across the waters. 

Right there, in the center of creation’s story, God’s Spirit hovered. And danced like the morning breeze before morning breezes existed. The very Spirit of God moved-visibly moved-across what was yet to come. 

Spirit-breathed!  Life-breathed! Moving in anticipation we will never fully comprehend. 

God is.

And He’s just getting started.  

Enter effects.  Lots of reverb. A booming voice speaks from on high… “Let there be light.”  It’s enough to set every audience member’s heart ablaze!

Suddenly there is a shaft of light! 

Oh, not from a techie stationed in a booth in the back of the auditorium, but switched on with the flip of a finger from the hand of the One who authored the play: the Playwright, Himself! Alive with brilliant color, it shines down from a shimmering ball in the sky. Not canned light, no gels, no spots, just light. . .miraculous light!

Now, can you hear it?  The symphony begins to play.

The orchestra fine-tunes its instruments.  Animals begin to sing out: birds tweeting, dogs barking, roosters crowing.  The wind blows in through the trees, adding life, energy.  The brush of angel’s wings overhead provides the necessary harmony.  

Imagine if you will, the backdrop, painted in shades of brilliant blue, forest green and cherry red, it causes all who gaze upon its beauty to gasp in awe.  There has never been, nor will there ever be, an equal.

Clever characters…

Surely there must be more.  Surely somewhere there must be a man.

Yes, he will surely do! Adam, a man formed from dust. But he will need someone to converse with.  Who will it be? Enter Eve, his counterpart, spun in from a rib.  And last, but certainly not least, a snake in the grass. He will, now and forever, play the role of antagonist in this play.

It’s time to develop the plot, for a plotless story isn’t much of a story.

God, creative as He is, would never settle for a straight plot line, though it might appear that way in the beginning.  He desires relationship, peace, obedience.  But Adam and Eve have other ideas.  Almost immediately, they make a decision that sends the plot line soaring-away from God-towards God-away from God-toward God. And it’s been that way ever since.

Who is the intended audience? 

This is one play that all are welcome to attend. In this auditorium, there is neither Jew nor Greek,  black nor white, rich nor poor.  

Tell me again.  Who wrote this play?

The program is clear:  “Written, Directed and Orchestrated by the Lord of Hosts!” 

God, the Almighty Author of everything stepped down onto the stage He had created and began to write, began to direct, began to act.  

Ah… I think I see!

Are you starting to get the picture?  We serve a creative God and we are created in God’s image! He has placed within us all the desire to create.  

Does it still work like that?  

Yes!  God is still in the business of creating!  Why else would David have cried out, “Create in me a clean heart, O Lord, and renew a right spirit within me?”  God is at work every minute of every day, creating new hearts, new lives, new situations… and He desires the same breath of creativity to flow through us!  

All of us?  Are you sure?

Now, wait a minute.  Let me get this straight.  You’re saying that all people are creative, not just artists, writers, musicians, inventors, and other right-brained folks?  Absolutely!  While it may not seem to be the case, everyone has a creative side.  Christians must come to grips with the fact that they are created in the image of God and He is creative.  Therefore, it stands to reason that we all have the capability to create within us.  

What makes some people appear to be more creative than others is one thing, and one thing alone:  They act on their ideas!  Many Christians think creatively, and never do anything with their ideas.  Ah, but one who acts… the one who allows the Spirit of God to move across the creation… he will begin to move out into the things of God, unstoppable in his quest to conquer with words!

Heritage Illustrated Dictionary defines “create” this way:

create: To cause to exist, Bring into being, Originate, To give rise to, Bring about,

Produce, To be first to portray and give character to a role or part 

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. (Colossians 3:16)

Now let’s ask that question again. The one who created EVERYTHING says that YOU are created in HIS IMAGE. Wow! You were LITERALLY born to create. 

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