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Submitting: Pitching Your Book

Many writers reach the point where they should be submitting, but don’t because of fear of rejection. Still others don’t think their piece/writing is worthy of publication. But there is a huge market out there, and most writers who’ve spent time learning the craft of writing should also become familiar with the submission process.

I’m currently in a great season with nearly one hundred books under my belt and I’m convinced it’s due, at least in part, to my willingness to submit, submit, submit. . .both in those early days and now.

This raises the question: How and where do I submit my book? To answer the “where” question, pick up a copy of The Writers Market Guide. Once you’ve settled on the house to target, it’s time to approach the editor. I know, I know. . .it’s unnerving. That’s why you’ve got to go in looking like a pro. It’s time to give him/her the best possible pitch you can come up with. And that, my friends, is what this chapter is all about.

So, let’s start pitching!

Download the pdf version of this lesson below


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