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Bird in a Cage 

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

Galatians 5:1 ESV

We all have years in our lives we’d sooner forget. For me, there were two that overlapped—2006 and 2007. Over a span of less than a year I lost my father, my home, my sister, and a dear friend. While attempting to sell our home, a shady broker attempted to steal it out from under us! And, to make matters worse, my oldest daughter developed toxemia in the final week of her pregnancy with my first granddaughter. (Maddy was born healthy, praise God!) 

What a crazy season that was!

I was nearing the end of my troubles (I thought) when I went to a work meeting. While coming down some stairs, I missed a step and fell. 

The doctors called it a catastrophic injury—clean breaks through the tibia and fibula, as well as several breaks in the foot. This fall led to two separate surgeries and several weeks in a wheelchair, because I also sprained several other limbs in the fall. What a fiasco! 

I had one important thing working in my favor during that season—a promise of a book contract with a favorite publisher. Imagine my shock and sadness to learn, while still recovering, and in desperate need of finances, that they weren’t going to publish my book after all. 

My heart grew bitter and cold.

I was angry at the editor. Angry at God. Angry at my loved ones who had died. Angry at myself for not keeping a closer eye on the steps as I descended them. Basically, I was holding everyone in unforgiveness. 

A writing buddy sent an email, sharing a dream she’d had about me. In the dream she saw a bird in the cage. Though the door was wide open, the bird refused to come out. I understood the message: I was trapped in the cage of bitterness and unforgiveness. 

The day after I received the email a good friend (who knew none of this) gave me a greeting card. On the outside of the card—a tree with a lone bluebird, sitting on the branch, singing his heart out. 

I got the message. God wanted to set me free, to fly out of the cage. 

He wants to set you free, too. No matter who has wounded you, it’s time to let it go. Forgive. . .and be set free!

Challenging Thought: Is there someone you’re holding in unforgiveness today? If so, do your best to free that person (and yourself) from the cage holding you bound. 

Read more devotions like this one in a new book Janice co-authored with Louise Looney titled An Overcoming Walk of Peaks and Valleys, now available on Amazon!


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