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Praise Your Way Through

Jehoshaphat listened to the people’s advice. Then he chose men to be singers to the Lord, to praise him because he is holy and wonderful. As they marched in front of the army, they said, “Thank the Lord, because his love continues forever.”

2 Chronicles 20:21 NCV

King Jehoshaphat ruled over Israel at a time when the country came under attack from several different directions at once. (Ever been there?) Vast armies were headed their way. Like any good ruler, Jehoshaphat panicked. No, really. The Bible says he was terrified. 

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been there hundreds of times.

Bill collectors were calling. Medical issues loomed large. Relationship issues threatened my peace. It’s tough to keep trusting during those seasons!

Jehoshaphat took his fears and channeled them. He commanded the people to fast and pray. Then he stood before the people and prayed boldly, reminding God of His promises. 

The Spirit of the Lord spoke through one of the men, saying: “You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.” (2 Chronicles 20:17)

Decisions, Decisions. . .

At this point Jehoshaphat made a decision that might’ve seemed nuts to some. He sent the Levites (the singers) out ahead of the warriors. He put the worshipers on the frontlines of the battle.Those brave souls squared their shoulders, garnered their courage, and began to sing at the top of their lungs: “Give thanks to the Lord; his faithful love endures forever!”

At the moment they started singing, their enemies began to fight. . .with each other. They literally destroyed each other instead of the Israelites.  So, just as the Lord said, the battle was won, not because of strong warriors or great weaponry (at least not in this case) but because worship, praise, and adoration led the way. They proclaimed their victory even before they saw it.

I don’t know what you’re facing today. I don’t know what armies are threatening to take you down. But I do know the very best strategy you can take is to emulate Jehoshaphat’s battle plan.

For Jehoshaphat the victory was won the moment that first song was lifted. The same is true of your situation. So, what are you waiting for? Lift your voice and see the victory!

Challenging Thought: Today, lift up a song of praise, even in the midst of the battle.  Then watch God move!

Read more devotions like this one in a new book Janice co-authored with Louise Looney titled An Overcoming Walk of Peaks and Valleys, now available on Amazon!


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