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Get Onboard the Ship!

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10 ESV

As individual believers we need to be like the explorers of old. Take Christopher Columbus, who, in 1492, was ready to set sail into places unknown. He had all of the equipment and knowledge available to him at the time but above all of that he had a sense of adventure and he had faith for the journey. God is calling us to have that same excitement in our hearts during these precarious days. We’ve got to be prayed up and ready to go wherever the ship, (our Savior), leads us. 


In many ways the modern church is like the pilgrims who boarded the Mayflower in 1620. They were a remnant, not just escaping persecution, but deliberately stepping onboard a vessel to take them on a journey that would open up doors to brand new experiences. They didn’t have to go. They could have stayed frozen in place and missed the opportunity altogether. 

Likewise, the church could sit frozen today and never realize its potential. But, as a unit, those pilgrims took a step toward liberty. Things were not easy. They had to turn back twice because the ship they were traveling with (the Speedwell) sprang a leak. But they never gave up. They counted the cost and kept going, not for themselves, but for future generations they hadn’t even met yet.

Keep Going!

Things might not be easy for us these days, either, but that can’t stop us from moving forward. There will be those, like the Speedwell, who need our assistance and encouragement to make the journey. But they are meant to travel with us. God wants the church to make a conscious decision to step onboard the ship (into a deeper, more passionate relationship with Him) so that our children and grandchildren can have a future. And He wants us to do it with a sense of adventure in our spirits, not fear or trepidation. 

We don’t need to know where the ship will land. In that regard, we are more like Columbus than the pilgrims. But remember, he set sail anyway. Where he landed was a completely different location than where he predicted but the promise he received was so much greater than the one he expected.   

The same is true with us. God is going to pour out his Spirit once we board (commit to go deeper with Him) and the church is going to be the recipient of more power, more love, and more adventure than we have ever known in our lifetimes. But the only way we will see that happen is if we consciously get onboard the ship and head out to sea with Him.

Challenging Thought: Are you willing to get onboard the ship, no matter how rocky the seas may get? 

Read more devotions like this one in a new book Janice co-authored with Louise Looney titled An Overcoming Walk of Peaks and Valleys, now available on Amazon!


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