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It Might Be Day Seven

By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they had been encircled for seven days.

Hebrews 11:30 ESV

I recently heard an amazing message about Joshua at the walls of Jericho from a worship leader by the name of Tauren Wells. He shared that there is some speculation among scholars that, when the walls of Jericho finally fell, they fell in such a way that they actually became ramps into the city. 

The very thing the enemy had been using to keep the Israelites out turned out to be the very thing He used to bring them in! Wow!  

Fascinating, right?

Hearing this story makes me wonder if God still moves like that today. Is He asking us to participate in the tumbling of walls so that we can gain entry into something far better? If so, what level of participation is required from us? And, equally as important, are we willing to keep walking, even when we feel like giving up? 

I don’t know what Jericho you’re circling right now. I have a few, and sometimes I feel like I’ve marched around the walls of my proverbial Jericho more than my fair share of days. When it comes to prayers for this broken world, I feel like I’m on day 53,625. And when it comes to more personal issues, I feel like I’ve spent years circling those walls and haven’t yet seen them fall. It’s easy to get discouraged. 

Keep Marching!

Today, be reminded that obedience requires marching, even if you doubt the walls will ever come down. Day after day Joshua marched. No doubt it seemed to take forever. But he would never have entered Jericho if he’d taken a hiatus. 

We can’t stop, no matter how discouraged we might get. Remember, the walls of Jericho dideventually fall…and became ramps into the city. And also remember, God required more of Joshua on the final day than in all the days prior. (On that final day he had to circle the city seven times and then the priests were instructed to blow their horns, which is what brought the walls down.) 

This might be Day Seven for you. 

Victory only comes to those who don’t quit. 

Keep marching.

Challenging Thought: When you feel like giving up, what practical steps can you take to keep putting one foot in front of the other?

Read more devotions like this one in a new book Janice co-authored with Louise Looney titled An Overcoming Walk of Peaks and Valleys, now available on Amazon!


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