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Sharper than a Sword

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12 NIV

As a youngster, my daughter Megan struggled with learning disabilities. In 1st grade she was diagnosed with dyslexia, which made reading very difficult. In fact, nearly everything academic created a struggle, both internal and external. 

During her 5th grade year a missionary spoke at our church. He shared the story of his son, who, in the 11th grade, read on a mere 4th grade level. This was a source of frustration and embarrassment for his son. 

The family was leaving for the mission field for a year and this gentleman felt the Lord prompting him to use the Word of God to educate his son during that time. After all, he reminded us, the Word does promise that those who study it will obtain wisdom and knowledge. 

There's Power in the Word!

The family went off to the mission field and the young man saturated himself in the Word. At the end of that year the family returned to the states. The son was placed back in public school for his senior year, where he miraculously tested on a 12th grade level in reading! Wow! 

When I heard this story, I got very excited. I decided to use the Word of God to teach my daughter. So, for that next year, that's exactly what we did. We dove right in, studying one Bible story after another. 

That year was a terrific turning point in Megan’s life—both emotionally and from an academic standpoint. Not only did she learn to read, she obtained the spiritual strength and confidence to face the Goliaths in her life. 

The Word of God is powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. It can change your life, your situation, your mind, and even your heart. So, stay deeply rooted in the Word. Read it, study it, memorize it. . .even set it to music if you like. But get it in you and you will surely succeed. 

Challenging Thought: What steps can you take to spend more time in the Word of God?

Read more devotions like this one in a new book Janice co-authored with Louise Looney titled An Overcoming Walk of Peaks and Valleys, now available on Amazon!


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