There is transformative power in the gospel of Jesus Christ--power to permanently affect lives, families, cities, and even nations. But it has to start in us, church. We have to activate it.
I know you're feeling what I'm feeling right now. This isn't a "normal" time/season we're in, and we can't go on as we have in years past, in a lukewarm state. The world doesn't need a slumbering needs the bride of Christ to awaken and to submit herself to the calling of Esther..."for such a time as this." Like that beautiful young bride we can help bring hope to a whole generation, but it's going to require sacrifice on our part, as well as a hefty dose of bravery.

This is our time, church. Don't let it march right by you as you snooze the opportunity away. Hit your knees. Cry out for repentance. Ask for a radical transformation to begin in your own heart so that your effectiveness will be multiplied to reach others. Then present the gospel message with the same boldness Paul, Silas, Peter, Timothy, John, and others did. . .not a watered-down, culturally sensitive message meant to flatter or cajole, but the real gospel, the one that has the capability of bringing change to hearts and lives.
But remember, they won't believe it unless they actually SEE it in your life, which is why you've got to start at home. . .with you.Make this moment count. You want to be able to look back and say, "I was honored to be part of that movement."
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
(Acts 1:8 NLT)
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