I’m very blessed to have so many friends and loved ones who are like-minded in faith and personal convictions. I’ve had several precious conversations with individual family members and friends over the past couple of months. Many of us have been sensing a greater hunger for the things of God, and we’ve been so excited to talk about what we think He’s up to.
There hasn’t been a lot of room left for fear or panic because we’re just so excited about the things we believe He’s going to do. We’re convinced He’s up to something…BIG!
We read in the Bible that God is going to pour out His Spirit in the last days. We see that scripture first in Joel 2:28 (as a prophetic word): “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” Then we see it repeated again on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit showed up in a major way.
Peter and the other apostles saw this prophecy come to life in their midst I’m a remarkable way! And God has been pouring out His Spirit ever since, showing off in a zillion different ways over the generations. We’re going to have similar, life-changing experiences as we draw closer to Him in these last days.
I’m already seeing evidence of that in my own personal walk with Jesus. No doubt you are too. Things are beginning to stir in the spirit-realm. Even as evil amps up around us, we should be all-the-more convinced that the Spirit of God will begin to work in and through the body of Christ if we remain diligent and useable. If we will do that, think of the impact we can make on this lost, broken world! This is God’s greatest desire for the church, that we “go into all the world and preach the gospel.” If we ever needed His Spirit to get that done, it’s now.
No matter how hard the enemy works to tamp down the church, she is the bride of Christ and will always have His protection and His love. The church cannot be stopped, any more than a rushing river can be halted. Throw walls up in front of us and we’ll sail over them. Place an ocean in our path and watch God part it. Toss us into a fiery furnace and we’ll come out without the smell of smoke in our hair. (Hey, I’m not bragging on us. . .I’m bragging on God!)
Don’t believe it? Check out this verse from Isaiah 54:17 NLT): “But in that coming day no weapon turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord; their vindication will come from me. I, the Lord, have spoken!”
I’ve (personally) been energized, knowing others around me are sensing what I’m sensing. . .that God is on the move. It starts with each of us (as individuals) humbling ourselves and genuinely seeking God. If we will do that, He will begin to speak in that still, small voice. . .giving hope for the days ahead.
There will be shaking in the upcoming days. No doubt about it. In the natural, things will seem to be getting worse, not better. These shakings might be unpredictable and (on the surface) look frightening. But, if you’re a child of the Most High God, you don’t have to be afraid. Draw near to Him as never before. Spend time in prayer as never before. Be willing to go deep with Him, deeper than before. Be open to the Spirit of God moving as never before. (He did promise that in the last days He would fill us, and we don’t actually know what that will look like, so we’ve got to be ready!)
And remember, even if you’re not as close to God as you once were (even if you’ve turned your back and walked away) it’s not too late to turn back. He will welcome you with open arms!
More than anything else, look away from social media. Don’t hyper-focus on every little news story (good or bad). (I’m preaching to the choir here!) Don’t let your emotions run away with you. Stay the course. TRUST that His plan is at work and He can manage to run the world without your nose glued to the TV or cell phone.
Get His perspective on what’s going on, sure. Watch Christian news sources, (and/or messages from pastors/evangelists who seem to have their ear tuned to what God is doing….I have a list of favorites, if you’re interested) but don’t allow the fear and negativity to consume you; otherwise you’ll lose precious time that could be spent engaged in building up yourself and those around you.
There will be people who are frightened. Minister to them. There will be hopelessness. Speak hope. There will be fear. Speak peace. There will be brokenness. Speaking healing and wholeness. There will be sorrow. Speak comfort. There will be division. Speak unity by His Spirit. There will be hunger. Make sure your storehouses are full so you can feed those in need. There will be thirsty. Be ready with a cup of cold water. There will be people who don’t look like you, act like you, or talk like you, but they will turn their hearts to God and need someone just like you to be ready to pour yourself out as an offering on their behalf.
Be ready, church. Be prayed up and ready. In short, be the opposite of what you’re seeing in the world right now. And, for goodness sake, don’t stop sharing the gospel, no matter how offensive it might be to some. It’s the hope of the world, the only life-changing message we’ve got! Through the power of the Spirit of God, you can do it!
For I will pour out water on the thirsty land
And streams on the dry ground;
I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring
And My blessing on your descendants;
And they will spring up among the grass
Like poplars by streams of water.
(Isaiah 44:3-4)