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Work With an Agent

Remember that old song, “Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a Match?” It’s nearly as critical in the writing biz as it is in a healthy/thriving marriage. Finding and keeping a great agent is essential to your survival if you’re a pro. Agents can open doors that you cannot. . .not just because they’re skilled at contract negotiation and that sort of thing, but because the writing industry is relational.

Most agents have been in the business for years and actually know the editors on a first name basis. They’re great at pairing up just the right author with just the right editor or publishing house.

If you’re looking for the ideal agent, choose one who suits both your personality and your style. You don’t want a slow, methodical type if you’re a real go-getter. And you don’t want someone who’s sharp and brusque if you get your feelings hurt easily.

You need to be aware of something else, too—not every agent is respected by his peers. Some are even ostracized by editors and publishing houses. It’s good to know, before signing with an agent, where he stands with others in the industry. How will he ever sell your book to an editor if that editor can’t stand him? The agent’s reputation is almost as important as the quality of the work he or she is pitching for you.

That's it for this lesson. Onward and upward to more helpful tools to use in your writing tool chest.

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