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Me? Creative?

The Creativity Test

I once did an experiment with my students. I asked them to take their temperature every two hours over a twenty-four hour period. According to one theory, we are at our most creative when our body temperature is the highest. For me, that time is late afternoon/evening. I’m NOT a morning person. Perhaps you’re just the opposite. Maybe you’re the most refreshed/creative in the morning.

There’s another theory that we’re also more creative when we’re relaxed. Perhaps that’s why great ideas come to us while we’re in the shower. Some of us get our best ideas when we’re “nearly” asleep, or just waking up. That’s why it’s important to keep a pad and pen on your bedside table. Might sound crazy, but my laptop goes to bed with me every night. Well, not actually in bed. But it’s at my bedside all night long, just in case. Rumor has it that Mary Shelley conceived the idea for her novel Frankenstein during “twilight sleep.” You just never know when a great idea might hit.

When Are You Most Creative?

Creative people don’t just need to be aware of when they’re creative, they need to know where they’re creative, as well. Sitting in front of your computer is rarely the place for amazing bouts of creativity, (though it does occasionally happen).

In my case, the seashore prompts creativity. Something about the sound of the waves  rippling across the sand just makes me want to write. I also do well in the mountains. Ironically, I also seem to “get creative” at Subway. The restaurant. I’m not sure why, but when I take my laptop into my local Subway, I can almost always count on writing a great scene in my WIP (work in progress). Others swear by their local coffee shop. Perhaps it’s the overpowering scent of coffee that stirs creativity. I’m not sure. But some of their best creative work takes place in their local Starbucks.

Creativity. . .Critical to Survival?

Why do we need to be more creative? If you’re interested in a career in writing, creativity is critical to survival. Anyone can come up with a mediocre story. Bookshelves are filled with them. You want something fresh, original. Something uniquely you!

The chances of selling your work are far greater if you come at it from a creative angle. We also need to be more creative people because it makes life more fun. This is especially true in the workplace environment, where days run together. We must learn to think outside of the box.

Movies and Literature

When you’re creative, you’ll have a blast at the movies. You’ll find stories inside of stories. You’ll look far deeper into the “meaning” than the average Joe and you’ll stretch your imagination in ways it’s never been stretched before. Think of a movie you’ve seen where you discovered a story inside the story—movies like Babe the Gallant Pig, (the story of an unprejudiced heart), for instance.

Fun, right? Of course, literature is filled with creative works with hidden storylines, as well. Take a moment to think of as many examples as you can. As you begin to stretch your imagination, you will grow as a writer.