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Take Heart

Take Heart - a devotional for 2024 from author Janice Thompson

I don't know what the upcoming days and weeks will look like. I suspect there will be hard times ahead, not just here in America, but across the globe.

I usually get this same sensation before a hurricane blows in, as I prep my house, my supplies, and my heart. I make sure I have everything I need for the days ahead. I check in on my family to make sure they're ready. I text my friends to ask, "You guys okay?"

And I do my best to shift my focus from the incoming storm to the One who controls it all, because I know--hurricanes being so unpredictable--that I can't put my trust in anything or anyone but Him.

We Can Trust Him, No Matter What

More than anything, I do my best to shift my thinking, from fear to confidence in Jesus. It's easier these days, because I've been walking with Him for so long. I gave my heart to Jesus years ago, and knowing I'm safe in His arms gives me a strange and wonderful peace, even in the middle of the storm. I've settled the issue of where I'm going when this life is over, so I don't have anything to fret, even when darkness closes in around me.

And let's face it--there's a lot of darkness out there right now.

If you're reading this and you haven't yet put your trust in the God who both created and adores you, this is the perfect time to do so! Jesus gave His life for you on the cross, taking on all of your sin and shame, so that you could spend eternity with Him.

Ask Him to come into your heart and take the reins of your life. Acknowledge Him as King and Savior. Give Him full control and He will give you peace in the days ahead, as well as discernment to understand the season we're in--a season where we will need each other more than ever.

And then. . .take heart.

Merriam Webster defines "take heart" this way: to gain courage or confidence : to begin to feel better and more hopeful.

Take heart! No matter what the headlines say.

Take heart! No matter how high or low your bank balance.

Take heart! No matter what physical or psychological challenges you face.

Walk with courage. Walk with confidence. Walk with peace.

It's all possible when you choose to walk with Him.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)


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