And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 ESV

When you’re young, the world is your oyster. All you see are sunny skies ahead. And even after marrying, you’re convinced it’s going to be a breeze because you have each other.
Unfortunately, most young couples go through unexpected struggles, and many face financial hardships. Such was the case when I was a young wife and mother. We had our daughters very quickly after marrying and finances were always tight, especially after our third daughter was born with health issues.
Things Got Rough...
One particular month we got behind on our mortgage. It wasn’t a ton of money (just $300) but in the 80s that seemed huge to a young, struggling family.
On a particular Wednesday night I went to church, burdened down with the weight of this problem. If I didn’t come up with $300—and soon—the mortgage company might take action against us.
I walked the kids back to their classrooms and, as I made my way back to the sanctuary, a friend met me in the hallway. She handed me a plain white envelope with nothing written on it.
“What’s this?” I asked.
She shrugged. “It’s the strangest thing. Just now, a man in the sanctuary passed this to me and told me to give it to you. He said that God woke him up this morning, put your face in front of him, and said, “Give this woman $300.”
“W-what?” I couldn’t believe my ears. I opened the envelope and, sure enough, found three crisp one-hundred-dollar bills inside. I gazed at my friend, dumbfounded. “What man? Who is he?”
She shook her head and smiled. “Nope. Can’t tell you. He said not to.” And then she turned and headed off down the hallway.
It’s been nearly forty years since that remarkable evening, but I’ve never forgotten that God gave me just what I needed, and just in time! What a lesson I learned about placing my trust in Him.
He will do the same for you, you know. He might not awaken a stranger to take care of your needs, but He sees and He is already making provision. So, place your trust in Him today. Out of an abundance of love, He’s covering you completely.
Challenging Thought:
Do you trust God to provide, even when the cupboard is bare?
Read more devotions like this one in a new book Janice co-authored with Louise Looney titled An Overcoming Walk of Peaks and Valleys, now available on Amazon!
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