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SEO Keyword Strategies


You can’t live without ‘em

What are Keywords? 

  • Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing search terms that people enter into search engines with the goal of using that data for a specific purpose, often for search engine optimization (SEO) or general marketing. Keyword research can uncover queries to target, the popularity of these queries, their ranking difficulty, and more. (
  • Keywords tell Google: “I’m the best source of information on this topic.” 

In Short, Keywords Are: 

Phrases people are typing into their search engine to find results

The ultimate goal is to get your keywords to rank in the top 3 results in google. 

Keyword Examples: 

Head-Term keywords (2-3 words): EX: Life Insurance

Long-tail keywords (3+ words, over 70% of google searches): EX: Life insurance for seniors. 

What type of SEO Keywords Should you Search for? 

  • Match them to your posts. Be strategic. 

To learn more about the keyword process you’ll want to follow Brandon Gaille’s podcasts. He’s LOADED with info. I listen to him (Blogging Millionaire) on apple podcasts. I credit Brandon with the quick monetization of my blog. (He’s brilliant.) He created Rank IQ. 

Keyword research tools: 

Here are my personal favorites. Some are pricier than others, so you choose what works best for your pocketbook.

  • RankIQ
  • SEMrush
  • Ahrefs

How to Add Keywords: 

Place as many keywords as you can in H2 headers

Add them organically to the post

Writing a post to include keywords will feel awkward, clunky, and repetitive. Throw away anything you’ve learned about writing. 

Download the .pdf of this lesson below. 


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